Why Her Aura?
Hello everyone, welcome to our first blog post. We wanted to share and introduce to you our store, but also get to know our customers that complete Her Aura. We knew that running a business wasn’t going to be easy, in fact, the fear that came with it delayed the whole thing, but then we realized why not do something we are passionate about. We created Her Aura because we wanted a boutique that catered to us just how it would to our customers. Her Aura represents the beauty of simplicity and comfort. Personally speaking, my style is very lazy casual; I like being in clothes I can be comfortable in but still look stylish, and thats what I wanted Her Aura to represent. Who says you can't look hot in casual clothing? If you are confident in the clothing you wear, you are already looking hot. Aside from that we named our store to represent you, the buyer. Without going in full depth of what aura means (because of its complexity), we take that aura is your energy, what your whole self is expressing and it can relate to how you’re feeling and what energy you are also receiving from others. Therefore, it’s important to us that you feel the good energy we transmit through our clothing. After all, it's Her Mood, Her Vibe, and Her style that make up HER AURA; what makes you the amazing person you are.